For the last 3 years, I've done a TON of research on the liver. This is because my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cirrhosis, aka END STAGE liver disease. He made some drastic changes to his diet, and
a Fibroscan showed that he no longer has cirrhosis. We had heard over and over again that it is impossible to reverse cirrhosis, but I have seen with my own eyes that this is not true.
The reason I am starting this blog is because part of the reason I am such an avid researcher, and so into alternative therapies, is because my ex boyfriend, whom I'll call Matt, was diagnosed with MS, at about the age of 30 (over 20 years ago). And I am starting to wonder if it could be possible that his MS could have something to do with his liver!
The liver has over 500 functions, and I got to see first hand, that when it starts
to fail, everything else in the body can start to fail! The liver is like the trash man, that is constantly working in the background and we typically can't even feel it... so it's easy not to realize how important it is... UNTIL it stops working, and then it becomes glaringly apparent, just how important it is!!!
Tonight I remembered how, the last time I saw Matt, who was newly engaged and walking with a cane, his front teeth were turning brown, and looking like they were on their way to falling out. I remember thinking,
what's going on with Matt's teeth? I knew this issue must be related to MS somehow, but had no idea why. I knew Matt was the type to brush his teeth well, so it was obviously something beyond his control.
Well, my husband lost a few teeth because of cirrhosis. This is because the liver is responsible for processing and utilizing calcium... but when the liver becomes impaired, you start drastically losing calcium. I have spoken with many people who have lost a few teeth because of cirrhosis, and I know of a few people who've lost ALL their teeth because of it!
Just out of curiosity, I did some googling to see if there were any cases of people who'd been able to reverse their MS symptoms, after a liver transplant. And sure enough, I found
I feel like it's only right that I start this blog, because Matt is really the person who got me to do all this research. When I first met him (at work), I was 25 and he was 30. At that time, I was all about modern medicine. If I had an illness, I'd want to treat it with the most drastic, hardcore, expensive option known to the medical industry. I just assumed that if something costs a lot of money, it's GOT to be the best option. But I was SO WRONG! And I am so grateful to Matt for reversing my opinion on this. He took me to see Dr. Andrew Weil speak about his book, Spontaneous Healing, and it truly changed my life.
I feel like I really owe Matt, for being such a good influence on me, because when my husband was diagnosed with cirrhosis, I was absolutely determined to find a natural way to reverse it (if it weren't for Matt's influence... my husband might have gotten a transplant). And I discovered that there are a LOT of things that can be done, to heal the liver, and heal the body! I became so obsessed with alternative therapies, I even created
a blog about how my husband was healing his cirrhosis, to share what I'd found, with other people.
It really broke my heart to see Matt's health suffering because of MS. When I first met him, he went to the gym and was really fit and healthy (though he did drink a lot of beer in his lifetime). I was really excited to have met someone I could go running with. There was a day where we were house-sitting for a friend, and I talked him into going running with me in that neighborhood. After about a mile, he told me he needed to stop. He said his leg just couldn't keep up. He felt like he'd been losing feeling in one of his legs, gradually, over the course of the last year, and couldn't explain it.
It was heartbreaking to watch him struggle with these MS symptoms over the next four years while we were dating. It was just getting worse and worse. We eventually broke up but still kept in touch for a long time. Now he is remarried and I don't even know his current phone number or email address. There was a party hosted by a mutual friend, today, and I wanted to go and talk to him, but wasn't able to make it.
It's funny because I have
a blog post with a video where I talk about how just about every guy I've dated in the last 2 decades was a heavy drinker (by the way, he is NOT one of the exes I mentioned in the video on that page). Though I would never have classified Matt as an alcoholic (he really took good care of his health), I do remember that shortly after we started dating, I asked him how many beers he consumed in a week, and he very nonchalantly answered something like "30." I was like, WHAT?!?? Dude, that is like, borderline alcoholic! And he really could not see what the big deal was. I don't know if this is a habit he picked up in college or what, but to him, it was totally normal to go out after work, hang with friends, and spend a few hours at a bar, and then by the time you go home, you've had 4 or 5 beers. I had always wondered if all that alcohol could have had something to do with his MS, or at least, I wondered if it made it worse.
Since I've been learning just how much the liver affects the entire body, I can't help but believe that improving liver health could help a person with MS. Please know that this is just a recent theory of mine, and I thought it was worth starting this blog. I may do occasional searches on this topic, in the future, and a blog is a good way to save information I've found, as well as share it with other people.
I'd always wondered if Matt somehow got his cirrhosis from toxins in his water supply, back at home. He grew up in a farmtown that was notorious for being like, the slaughterhouse capital of the world. You could smell the stench of cow feces in the entire town, there was no escaping it. And it's a known fact that meat production is absolutely horrible for the water supply and our environment. So I always wondered if something could have leaked into the water supply, and he had some kind of toxic buildup that somehow got stuck in his body and he was unable to eliminate it. Maybe his liver was damaged, to the point where it couldn't fight off the toxin that was causing the problem?
I don't think it's any small coincidence that I've seen some incredible testimonials by people with MS, who have used the 3 main same therapies my husband used, and got very noticeable results. These 3 things are
Super high quality vitamins (with over 30 things known to be beneficial for the liver), and
the detox water my husband drinks. I know there are many, many other things that are beneficial for people with MS (Matt used to order bees in the mail and sting himself with them!) but in my opinion, they are 3 of the most powerful things I've seen, that have helped my husband to heal from cirrhosis.
If you're interested in checking out more of my other blog, you can find more information at That is my main blog that I spend most of my time working on (or talking with people who contact me) but I plan to add more articles and research as it relates to MS, as I find it in the future.
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